Molester train car number 8

Molester train car number 8
Let’s identify the abnormalities and move to the 8th car while being molested.
Mizuki Kanzaki

Work as a manager at a department store
A part-time housewife who lives a happy life

She is a popular woman among both men and women at the sales floor, and she enjoys working hard.

Because his ancestors have Itako blood, he has stronger spiritual sense than humans.

My recent worries are
Stiff shoulders due to big breasts and spiritual inspiration Because the usual train can no longer be used due to the track incident
Housewife Mizuki Kanzaki is forced to use a different track.
I rode the “Inde Line” train, which I don’t usually ride.
That train was a train that was rumored to have a lot of molesters…

As Mizuki hurriedly boarded the train, she felt something strange.
“This is ~car number 0~car number 0~”
Vehicle number 0 and unfamiliar vehicle, the devil’s hand by molester
While retreating from there, I reached the relatively safe car number 8, a women-only car.
The usual train that I used to walk on was no longer usable due to the accident on the track.
Housewife Mizuki Kanzaki is forced to use a different track.
I rode the “Inde Line” train, which I don’t usually ride.
That train was a train that was rumored to have a lot of molesters…

As Mizuki hurriedly boarded the train, she felt something strange.
“This is ~car number 0~car number 0~”
Vehicle number 0 and unfamiliar vehicle, the devil’s hand by molester
While retreating from there, I reached the relatively safe car number 8, a women-only car.
take a step forward

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