LAN_Illustration Collection 31
This is a collection of illustrations randomly compiled from illustrations posted in various places.
We have compiled a selection of the most basic versions from the ones that have been posted.
Differences include all characters “Serif printing”, “Serif printing/Serif pattern B”,
Contains an “increased body fluid version” that adds the body fluid system of bukkake elements.
“Na〇_10” and “B〇_2” are limited edition illustrations.
Contains 11 pieces, each with color variations and brown serifs.
File format: JPG
Image size: 2894 x 4093px
Number of recorded images: 228
(*The number of sheets including the difference is shown below.)
U〇_8 x 42 sheets (Includes ink pattern version, ink pattern + ink painting version)
Ku〇yaku_1 x 41 sheets (Includes obscene version, obscene pattern + obscene language paint version)
Tag〇gi_1 x 40 sheets (Includes obscene version, obscene pattern + obscene language paint version)
N〇_10 x 52 sheets (Includes ink-print version, ink-print + ink painting version)
(*Illustration collection limited edition = 11 pieces including color variations with brown serifs.)
Bi〇_2 x 53 sheets (Includes ink-print version, ink-print + ink painting version)
(*Illustration collection limited edition = 11 pieces including color variations with brown serifs.)