Treasure excavation! School girls graduation album

Treasure excavation! School girls graduation album
A must-see for schoolgirl lovers! Real naked school girls for tonight’s side dish!

・All scenes of schoolgirls are naked only! Highly selected volume 217 pieces!
Image size (800×1280)
– Eliminate AI-likeness as much as possible! Look at the naked nakedness of real, super beautiful schoolgirls
・You can also view it on your smartphone! Surround yourself with beautiful girls every day! (DMM Books app required)

☆Recording situation
・School (classrooms, school facilities)
・Commuting to school/after school
・School trip (Kyoto sightseeing, meals, hotels, hot springs)
・Physical education classes (schoolyard, gymnasium, pool)
*There are no clothing scenes in this work. All scenes will be naked.

We have prepared many sample images, so please take a look!

☆Caution (Please be sure to check before purchasing)
・There are no extreme scenes (H, etc.).
・All characters appearing are over 18 years old.
・Although we have made corrections to areas that feel uncomfortable, there may still be areas that feel uncomfortable, such as the fingertips or the amount of hair. I hope you will forgive me.
・To view on a smartphone, you will need to install the DMM Books app.
・This work was processed and edited from an image generated using the AI ​​generation service “Stable Diffusion.”

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