Leaked erotic books of idols

Leaked erotic books of idols
How do idols handle their sexual desires?
The reporting team caught some incredible information.
“There’s a thing called Macho Cafe, and apparently if you pay an additional fee, they’ll do it all the way to the end (the audio has been changed).”
Then, the president of the service asked me if I would like to buy top-secret voyeur data for 1 billion yen, and when I bought it, it turned out that it turned out to be real data, and from now on, I decided to publish it at the beginning of an erotic book every week.

Sakuramori Kaori 123
Toyokawa Fuka456
Hakozaki Star Rika 789
Ibuki Tsubasa 101112
Kasuga Mirai 131415
Shiho Kitazawa161718
Mizuki Makabe192021
Anna Mochizuki222324
Shizuka Mogami 252627
Yuriko Nanao282930
Minako Satake313233
Momoko Suo343536
Emi Tokoro373839
Nao Yokoyama404142

3 pieces each
Because the generated word is magazine style, a lot of books appear on the screen.

I also added things I made in the past.

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