[Standing picture material] High school girl

High school girl standing picture material. 20 different facial expressions, 9 costumes, 2 hairstyles, 4 faces, and 5 accessories.
A total of 360 high school girl standing picture material sample images, integrated project file (.clip, .psd)

Size: 2000px x 3800px (300dpi)

9 types of costumes (2 types of socks)
20 types of facial expressions
4 types of faces
2 hairstyles
5 types of accessories

Since there are too many combinations, the amount of materials will be too large if you export them all, so please use a project file to export the necessary materials. Please make sure you can open either .clip or .psd before purchasing.
This material uses contour lines, and this effect only applies to .clip files, so please prioritize .clip files if possible.

Female student standing drawing material example picture 360 ​​pages, integrated guide (.clip, .psd)

Size: 2000px x 3800px (300dpi)

9 types of clothes (2 types of clothes)
20 types of facial expressions
4 types
Hair type 2 types
Assignment 5 types

Due to the large number of cooperatives, all the exporting companies have too many materials, and the materials that are in demand are available for use by other companies. Purchasing proposal review
This design has the effect of using the circuit layer, and the effect is only present.clip has the effect, young people can choose, request priority opening.clip plan progress modification

360 illustrations of female student character standing poses, Integrated project files(.clip, .psd)

Size:2000px x 3800px (300dpi)

Difference Description
Clothes 9 types (2 types of socks)
Expressions 20 types
Faces 4 types
Hairstyles 2 types
Accessories 5 types

Due to the numerous combinations, exporting all assets may result in a large asset pack. Please use the project files to export the assets you need. When purchasing, consider whether you can open the project files.
This illustration uses outline layer effects, which are only effective in .clip files. If possible, please prioritize opening and modifying the .clip files. Trial version: For viewing only, please refrain from using.
Product version:
– Allow:
– Paid and free
-Adjustment and processing
-Adult and violent content
– Not allowed:
– Redistribute this material (regardless of adjustment or modification)
– Content related to politics and religion
– Transfer the right to use
– Credit notation: Not required but would be appreciated.

Test version: Only available for viewing and not used.
Official version:
– Permission:
– Use for profitable or non-profitable purposes
– Use after modification or adjustment
– Erotic or violent content
– Unauthorized permission:
– Reproduction of this original material (with modifications of course)
-Political or religious content
– Usage information
– Name display: Not required.

Trial:For viewing only, please do not use.
– Use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes
– Modify or adjust and use
 -Use in adult or violent content
– Not Allowed:
– Re-release of this assets (modified or unmodified)
 -Use in political or religious content
-Transfer of usage rights
– Attribution: Not required (English product description provided by the creator.) *Provided by the creator. *Artwork introduction text provided by Yushadan.

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