In order to pay off the debt he lost in gambling, the fifth generation uses the art of transformation to deceive others, pretending to be a young girl of his own age, and prostitute himself.

In order to pay off the debt he lost in gambling, the fifth generation uses the art of transformation to deceive others, pretending to be a young girl of his own age, and prostitute himself.
“I don’t care about Yaga’s partner. It’s enough for me to be satisfied right now.”

In reality, she is a legendary ninja who was famous in the past.
But now it’s just a gamble. Every day you are chased by debt.
With no aim to return to, she traveled from place to place, making full use of the art of transformation.

Meanwhile, a man said.

“I heard you’re actually a bar worker in your 50s.
But if you can stay in your 20s through the art of change, why not make some money in the red light district?
Now, if you open your mouth and deal with me, I can wait a little while to collect. ”

Then she has sex with the man. After that…

Total 301 pieces
This work is produced using the AI ​​generation service “NovelAI”

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