A 1P manga collection of the RPG “Female Fallen Crossdressing Academy” where all the students at a boys’ school fall into female transvestites. It can be used alone or as a setting collection for the game version!
A collection of character settings for the full-fledged transvestite erotic game “Female Fallen Crossdresser Academy” released on the same day.
This is an electronic version of the book distributed on Futaket 30 prior to the game’s release on May 4, 2023.
Situations before and after cross-dressing for each club character.
All active characters are included except for Tatsuya Koiji from the basketball club. 3P game introduction manga (full color)
4P Game release advertisement flyer at the time
5P Baseball Club/Kyuji Saotome (crossdressing)
6P Baseball Club/Kyuji Saotome (cross-dressing orgy)
7P Soccer Club/Kito Kirigakure (masculine)
8P Soccer Club/Kito Kirigakure (cross-dressing footjob)
9P Tea Ceremony Club/Rikyu Matsuo (men’s clothing)
10P Tea Ceremony Club/Rikyu Matsuo (cross-dressing masturbation)
11P Tennis Club/Hiromi Yamada (crossdressing)
12P Tennis Club Hiromi Yamada (cross-dressing ball)
13P Swimming Club/Mikai Setouchi (Male Dress)
14P Swimming Club/Mikai Setouchi (Crossdressing Orgy Bukkake)
15P Cheer Team Kaido Hanamura (Male Dress)
16P Cheer Team: Kaido Hanamura (cross-dressing hip-swinging cowgirl support)
17P Karate Club/Kenjuro Arashiyama (male)
18P Karate club Kenjuro Arashiyama (cross-dressing Chinese skirt pulled up)
19P Track and field club/Sho Hayami (male clothing)
20P Track and field club Sho Hayami (cross-dressing bloomers buttjob)
21P Kendo club/Mkenshinta (male clothing)
22P Kendo club, Shinta Okken (cross-dressing helmet combination)
23P Gymnastics Club Yuki Harugaoka (crossdressing)
24P Gymnastics Club Yuki Harugaoka (cross-dressing hanging play)
25P Delinquent student Kongoji Falls