Viewer sex

Viewer sex

Kenji, a lifelong part-time worker, has a crush on Riko, a high school girl who works at the same part-time job.

He spends his days in agony every time he sees Riko, who has silky black hair and huge breasts.

I found out that she was the new V-tuber ‘Rina Kozato’ (Riko) who is currently the talk of the town.

I unexpectedly find Rina Kozato in an “orgy hall in a VR space where you can experience real sensations”.

It’s a VR space where you can do whatever you want.

Naturally, he attacks Rina Kozato and fucks her like crazy…

He recorded a video of her moaning while being raped and used it as a threat to the real Riko.

Riko finds herself in a situation she can’t resist.

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