Summary of girls in uniform 3

Summary of girls in uniform 3
This is the third CG collection that lets you understand J〇 in uniform.

Total 318 sheets (298 main sheets, 20 bonus sheets)

[Contents included]
・82 photos of a girl with a bun caught by an uncle

・Dedicated athletic club manager 70 photos

・79 cool seniors popular with girls

・Small brown guy who doesn’t know anything 67 photos

・Bonus post-mortem collection 20 sheets

Basic image size: Vertical 1533 x 2048 *Only the petite brown color is 2048 x 2048.

This is a work that you can enjoy while imagining how it will unfold, with emphasis on scenes such as foreplay and actual play, as well as situations for each character.
*There are some rough depictions, so please be careful if you are not good at it.

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