Girls’ school sex education diary

Girls’ school sex education diary

At the private Reiko Girls’ High School, a unique sex education training program was conducted to encourage the students’ understanding of healthy sexuality. The content is a one-on-one training session where teachers and students learn about and experience sexuality.

This time, the main character, the homeroom teacher, will be in charge of a student named Hazuki Minase. Hazuki is a beautiful girl with black hair and a well-shaped face. Although she has excellent grades and is popular in class, she has no experience with men and has limited knowledge about sex.

The training was held multiple times. At first, the training was held in uniform, and she was taught everything.
Hazuki gradually deepens his interest in sex, and as he follows his teacher’s guidance, he begins to notice changes in his own body. While disarraying her uniform, she surrenders to the stimulation of her teacher’s fingers and tongue, and although she is confused by the first pleasure, she gradually begins to express a sensual expression as she repeats herself.

Eventually, Hazuki began to volunteer to participate in practical training, and sometimes called the teacher to the physical education warehouse. Her positivity pleases the teacher as a result of sex education.

Finally, Hazuki musters up the courage to ask the teacher for creampie training.

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Number of images: 103 main images

*This work was created using Stable Diffusion and then modified.

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