Butt exposed beautiful girl photo collection

*Since the release date was decided on the same day, we were unable to set up our own sale in time, so there will be a 55% OFF sale from October 5th, two days after the release date m(_ _)m
In the sample image, the anus is mosaiced, but the main story has no anal mosaic.

For those who love butts, we have created a work that only collects images of attractive butts.
Although there are still scenes of entanglement from the previous work, all of our circle’s works are for those who want to see naked beautiful girls exposed outdoors.

Basic CG: 250 sheets
Size: 1408 x 2064 (vertical)

The order of the images is random as usual, but photos 1 to 219 are without intertwined scenes, and images 220 to 250 are involved scenes.
I tried to increase the number of images of intertwined scenes a little more than the previous work.

Our circle’s works include as much variation as possible in faces, hairstyles, hair colors, facial expressions, clothing, poses, bust sizes, backgrounds, etc.
Most AI-generated works contain a certain amount of unnatural images, but this one has been carefully selected, added to, and corrected with great attention to detail, so I don’t think there are any unnatural images.
Many AI-generated works have jet black eyes, but the eyes are also very carefully drawn.

*This work uses Stable Diffusion.
*All women in this work are over 18 years old.
*Even if there is a resemblance to a real person, there is no connection whatsoever.

[Producer comment]
This is the second movie to include a scene where they get involved, but as I’m writing this, the previous movie hasn’t been released yet, so I don’t know if sales have increased or not.
Almost all of the best-selling works have intertwined scenes, so I believe that sales will increase significantly, so I will make my next work also include intertwined scenes.
The release order may change, but the theme of the next work is planned to be “underboob.”

Since I am a full-time professional, I will continue to create the highest quality outdoor exposure works of beautiful girls, mainly loli and cute ones, at a high pace, so if you click “Become a fan”, I will be able to notice the release date immediately, which will be convenient and encouraging, so please do so. Masu!
We welcome your impressions and points for improvement by reviewing or commenting on the “Girls’ Outdoor Exposure Experience Blog”.

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