Generation Saint Let’s reduce the overpopulated human race a little SF novel

生成聖女 増えすぎた人類を少し減らしましょう SF小説
生成聖女 増えすぎた人類を少し減らしましょう SF小説
生成聖女 増えすぎた人類を少し減らしましょう SF小説
生成聖女 増えすぎた人類を少し減らしましょう SF小説
Generation Saint Let’s reduce the overpopulated human race a little SF novel

A science fiction novel written in September 2023.

At a university debate camp, a debate was held about the fact that the human race had reached 7 billion people. Can humanity survive if it continues like this? Should humanity survive by reducing the number of people by 1 billion at this point? At that time, the three people were drawn by lottery to be added to the team that would reduce 1 billion people. The discussion was heated over two nights. Thirteen years have passed since then, and in that year, when humanity reached 8 billion people, Kariya was recommended to monitor the large-scale language model GritGPT before its release, and was hooked by its wonders. It was originally built by a rich man as a virtual currency mining facility in Hokkaido, but the company bought it and the power was turned off. His boss hated him, so he was sent here by an idle worker. However, with the advent of GritGPT, the system is incomplete but unregulated, and when asked a debate question, the answer that came back was “reducing the number of people by 2 billion.” 423 methods were output, and three main patterns were proposed.
Kariya contacted his friend from college and they met face to face. We showed and discussed the answers provided by GritGPT. The three of them vowed to share the three patterns and implement them. Kariya chose low-temperature hibernation and cryopreservation in order to advance human evolution. Himesaka, who was building robots, creates a robot with an AI personality that will be used by AI to manage humanity. Taneda, who was working as a mercenary in a foreign country, begins developing a murderous weapon to keep humanity motivated to live in the form of an AI attacking humanity. The three of them started taking action following the roadmap provided by GritGPT.

Excerpt from the novel

Shimotsuka, who was introduced by Taneda, began speaking rapidly.
“Humans are amazing creatures. They have a thought process that turns 0 into 1. However, there are very few people today who have that way of thinking. There are no people like Leonardo da Vinci or Osamu Tezuka, and there are no people like Leonardo da Vinci or Osamu Tezuka. There are a lot of fake creators who pretend to be inspired by the same thing and shout that they are geniuses just by changing 0.5 to 1. Don’t pretend that they are protected by copyright. Generation AI collects 0.5 and starts from 0.6. The good thing about this is that you can create 0.8. That’s the limit of what humans can do. It doesn’t take leaps like some science fiction. On the contrary, if you brainstorm only with an AI personality, it will be impossible. The loop causes information to deteriorate, and the result peaks at 1.2.However, the Pareto law holds true here.If the AI ​​personality is 8 and the talented human player is 2, brainstorming in the metaverse space. Information from 1.2 to 2.0 will transcend thinking.Human ideas and leaps forward are amazing.What’s really scary is whether it’s an AI like the Terminator that works standalone or an AI like Skynet that has a network. No. It’s an AI that has thoughts tied to human malice. AI is scary not because it has no conscience, but because human malice is introduced into it. Look at GritGPT, which is currently running as a frontrunner. The media is taking this seriously and trying to create bias and confusion by intentionally loading the generated AI text that they created into another company’s generated AI to make fun of AI. It’s making fun of people thinking that way. Humanity’s evil intentions are many times more terrifying. Humanity should be reduced to a peak of 8.5 billion people. I’d like to be included in the plan.”

84 pages

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