Parii’s sex story

A CG collection for adults featuring the main female characters that appear in “I’m Parrying the 〇te.”
14 basic sheets, various differences, JPEG format, PDF file included.
The short story is centered around the subjectivity of the characters listed below.

□List of characters appearing (in no particular order)
Rineburg Crais [Basic 5 cards]
Chair Harness [Basic 3 pieces]
Minnnu [Basic 2 pieces]
Shire〇nu [Basic 2 pieces]
Mari〇Belle [Basic 1 piece]
A〇Tira [Basic 1 piece]

□Contents included
14 basic sheets, various variations. Comes with a short story and onomatopoeic differences. A version without dialogue is also included.

Includes all differences (text and sound effects)
Resolution 4000 x 3000 px

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