The maid’s job is sex education. 2 Punishment sex edition

The maid’s job is sex education. 2
Punishment sex edition

Thank you for visiting this page.

We took a close look at the work of loli loli maids.
Did something go wrong this time?
It was similar to the maid’s usual service to the master.
You will be given a naughty punishment.

Is it really a punishment?
Please check it out.

Total number of CGs: 286

Number of pixels: 1536px×2688px
Number of pixels: 2688px x 1536px (partial)
Image format: PNG

・This is an AI-generated image. (There may be some unnatural details, but we have carefully selected the items.)
– All models and characters are adults and over 20 years old.
・All characters are costume play costumes.
・This work is an AI-generated character who does not exist.
-This work is an image output with Stable Diffusion, with additions and effects added.

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Thank you very much. There may be some differences in style due to AI generation.
There may be some differences from usual due to confusion during production,
We hope that you will take this as a result of quality improvement.
It would be very encouraging if you could also write a review if you have any hopes or expectations.
Thank you for your continued support.

Production and sales: FSTAR-project

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